And we gonna let it burn,
I feel as if I have one of the worst planning skills on Earth. :( Spent hours thinking whether if I should sign up for practical test soon. Because if I go, I probably have to balance projects and lessons. If I don't, I will probably get to sit for it in December, which means I have to practise driving immediately after exams (or even before) or even during internship... Okay, I only have to do internship if I get to go on exchange in Year 2 Sem 2, if not internship can wait for erm a little longer. But so many things are like stopping me from going on exchange (11 AUs seriously). Maybe should go during Year 3 Semester 1.
Back to driving issue...My lack of confidence in myself (while driving) is obvious.. I can't handle bends (that's what I think), I can turn on the wrong signal (cause I can't differentiate left and right maybe wth) ARGHHH. Oh and my fear of hitting the kerb each time I reverse, fear of hitting the pedestrians (bitch please, don't jaywalk in front of a L plate vehicle or any vehicle), fear of cars not observing the right of way (someone really didn't do it), fear of slamming the brakes too hard. Who said driving was easy, sigh pieee.
Okay nothing much happened this week. Erm tried Noelle's, watched the clouds, continue my running etc. BORING LIFEEE. Oh and then spent my Saturday in school for Welcome Day training :/ ARGHHH, hate travelling to school and hate anything that reminds me of 11AUs. -.- Class dinner after that. Hate navigating around Vivo LOL. Bad sense of direction. Having a car is so shiokkk, secretly love the fact that so many of them can drive now HAHA. Wish to drive someday, but scared of the thought of driving. SIGHHHH.
Some Glee song is playing now. Depressing to think about how Cory is dead :( I think I posted his photo here before when I was still into Glee. SIGHHHHH. So awkward to know someone you used to fangirl over is dead. Okay slightly fangirl over.
Oh talking about songs, I think I have been listening to really weird songs recently. Okay not weird, but songs that I won't expect myself to listen to them. OOPSSS. Oh go check out Ellie Goulding's Burn.