Japan Day 6

by - 11:35 PM

Day 6, 16 Nov 2016

A whole new world, a fantastic point of view ~ HAHA, spent the entire day at DisneySEA :>
Even though I am supposed to be an adult, it still feel so exciting to visit Disney theme parks. Was deciding between Disneyland and Disneysea but since Disneysea has more exciting rides and is unique to Japan, Disneysea it shall be!

Took a few rides like Journey to the centre of the earth, 20,000 leagues under the sea and Tower of Horror (free fall ride!). Probably should have blogged earlier cause I don't remember much of the details at the Disneysea. But I remember how amazing it was to see the Disney mascots and to watch the fireworks and parade :') Not sure if it's the magic of Disney or it's because it's Japan but you can really feel the amount of effort that was put in designing each attraction. The storyline of each attraction hmm, but sadly I can't understand Japanese -facepalm-

Pictures speak a thousand words so...




Thank you for the amazing experience and memories, Disney.

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