Week 8 and 9
24th Feb- 9th March
Shopping at Kwai Fong and 通达食店 at Yau Ma Tei on 25th Feb, Tuesday
Shopping buddies, together with the chocobanana crepe we shared :)
Bought a nice, kind of smart casual looking white long sleeve shirt cause the material was super shiok, a black shorts, denim shirt, shoulder bag and spent around S$50 omgggg. Shopping (and food) sucks away all my money omggg :'(
Anyway, the shopping area feel likes Far East hehe. And oh, all the food choices in the top level, I LIKE. Fruit juice! Super miss Avocado juice, can't seem to find it anywhere. And my kiwi soursop!
And guess what, there's a shop selling 5 scoops of icecream for S$2. Spotted rum&raisin flavour there, must head back there someday!
Wanted to try 伤心酸辣粉 which was near Yau Ma Tei but in the end we spotted the 通达食店 outside the MTR exit and decided to give it a try cause there were quite a few locals queuing outside the shop. And the decision proved to be correct :)
Chee Cheong Fun with peanut sauce and sweet sauce ^^ Reminds me of Singapore's chee cheong fun with the sweet sauce!
We had curry fishball and some other mixed noodles which was not bad.
Coffee Alley at Causeway Bay on 3rd March, Monday
Pork loin croissant
Matcha milk
Green tea ice-cream, red bean and waffles
Strawberries, custard and waffles
The serving size at this shop is crazily hugeeee. Please don't make the same mistake as us in order one dish per person :O SUPER BLOATED OMG. Anyway, the matcha milk here is so good!! I didn't really like the strawberries waffle cause I thought the custard tasted weird but everyone else loved it, okaycan. Oh and the place is famous for fruit tea so fans of tea can go and try it too haha.
Cafe hopping burns a hole in everyone's pocket sigh pie :(
Peng Chau on 4th March, Tuesday

Peng Chau is not a very pretty island but it does offer some nice views I guess. Loving HK for the fact that you can always hop a ferry to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city :)
Tried the shrimp toast which was supposed to be famous there which I found it not bad but not fantastic. Oh and I finally tried the legendary Haagen Daz icecream sandwich ^^ And Tai Cheong's bakery egg tarts omnomnom.
Oh eggtart, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind. Hey eggtart, hey eggtart.
I feel so lame now hahaha. But this eggtart is pretty good in terms of the egg custard part. Still prefer my eggtarts to have a more buttery crust haha.
Headed to One Dim Sum for dinner where I finally had normal serving sized meals omggg. Can't eat with the guys who make me feel like I am going to burst/puke after each meal hahaha. Anyway really really love One Dim Sum's chicken feet hehe.
Dinner on 7th March, Friday
Homecooked curry chicken ^^ Okay wasn't a great help as usual, only managed to wash vegetables, peel and chop potatoes only haha.
Freaking loads of vegetables but I likeee. Okay the vegetables were supposed to be in the curry but the pot couldn't hold any more vegetables hahaha.
Was forced to, or kind of forced to wait for half an hour on Weds for the rest of them. Was slightly angsty, but that was really a blessing in disguise. Been hanging out with people for so long, didn't even have much alone time. Till that 30 minutes. Straightened out my thoughts a little. And then a good HTHT with a close friend straightened out my thoughts even more (is there such a phrase?)
"It's cool how you are still level-headed and rational"
Another realisation of how I didn't really keep in contact with everyone. It's kind of hard to maintain contact with all my friends hmm. So if I don't message you, please message me still! :/
Oh and don't worry if anyone is worrying. Having loads of fun here cause my life consists of eating, running, eating, studying,eating and sleeping hahaha that explains my belly fats wth. Okay anyway it's kind of amazing how all of us already spent like two months together overseas, seeing each other almost every single day. Like wow.
And maybe everyone's just getting used to everyone's company.
Good night and good bye till the next post :) Work is coming in SIGH PIE, no more hanging out at fun places during Tuesday :(