
by - 5:36 PM

I wonder whose idea was it to measure self-value by the number of suitors/roses you ever had. Or was it my misconception? Hmm.

So, during secondary school days, there was Heart Connection Day (what we called Valentine's Day) in school, which the school councillors would go around to deliver roses/flowers/whatever that is appropriate for vday. And I (along with most people, I suppose) thought it was really a sweet (and cool) thing.

Well, at least till recently.

Receiving my first flower (that's not from a friend, oh my quite loser but nvm not the point) had me thinking about this whole flower-gifting norm. What do you do when you receive a flower? Take many photos, Instagram it (to make all the other people envious of you?!) and then... chug it outside. And that poor flower is left to die and soon it will end up in the bin. Oh well. Yeah, weird me, I felt really sad for that poor flower HAHA.

Well, I digressed. So during secondary school days (or maybe even now), you will get to see how all the popular/pretty girls receiving numerous flowers while all you have are chocolates/notes from your friends (not that those aren't important but there's a difference). Does it really not affect your self-esteem? Hmm when you see pretty girls with flowers, won't you associate the number of roses you receive to your own beauty level? Ah. Am I even making any sense HAHA.

Other than measuring self-value by the number of roses you had, I guess people like to measure value by the number of suitors righttttt. I don't really have much to say about that BUT a recent conversation made me so so so disturbed. Do guys measure the value of a girl by how well the girl cooks and cleans?!?!?! Cause she will make a better wife/mother?! Now now, I will be the WORST wife and Mum then.

Hmm being very disturbed till I listened to this song.

You got that 9 to 5 
But, baby, so do I 
So don't be thinking I'll be home and baking apple pies

Career woman ftw HAHA.

And damn it, why are my old photos being removed OH NOOOOOOOOO.

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