End of internship YAAY
Another week of work passed and guess what, it's the end of internship officially :) So like what everyone will tell you, time will fly. Just hold on, bear with it etc. Anyway, the use of the word 'officially' is cause er, I am helping out for the fair tomorrow. Cause I feel bad oh well.
Anyway, do you ever wonder why do you give the worst treatment to the people who you are closest to? Like I tend to lose temper more often when I am around my family, my closest friends etc.
So meet my food that I got cause I am one whiny and angsty soul oh well :(

I can have special egg with my kway chap hahaha. This kway chap from Hong Lim Food Centre has a loooooong queue, but it's not bad :) It's called An Kee Braised Duck and Kway Chap.

Cappuccino from D' Good Cafe. Not bad coffee, amazing environment and atmosphere :> Into bitter coffee now hmm. Is this a sign of being old? No longer interested in all the Starbucks frappe hmm.
Since I have ended work, I shall compile a short list of the MUST EAT food in Chinatown area HAHA.
- Kazan Japanese food from Chinatown Complex: Freaking good fried salmon!!
- Shuli noodles from Chinatown Complex (opposite Kazan): Eat the dry banmian!!
- Ann Chin popiah from Chinatown Complex: Amazing handmade popiah skin!
- Ji Ji Noodle Specialist from Hong Lim: Best noodles I ever eaten in SG. And best char siew in SG imo. And I am not even a fan of charsiew but I am super in love with it!
- Sungei Road Trishaw laksa from Hong Lim: BEST laksa in SG imo HAHA.