PPF down :>
Everything will pass, just like how the four plus months in HK flew past. Ten weeks of internship is ending soon! One more week to go.
So for the past few weeks, I have been OT-ing, doing work for travel fair. And thinking whether events is even my cup of tea. Hmm.
But food is the best therapy for everything.

Llaollao at Marina Square after lunch at DTF, checking out the fair at Kimchi and bowling. This yogurt is not bad, much more worth it than Sogurt which tastes kind of too artificial!

Just look out this fishy goodness :> Salmon sushi for like $4.80 I think.

The other lor mee at Hong Lim, hmm. Each lor mee has its own good points I guess.

Oh look who has a photo with My Melody and Hello Kitty that flew from Japan!!

Okay just some of the working perks huh. Taking photos with celebrities LOL.
Been an amazing 9 weeks at work other than feeling tortured when everyone's too busy to allocate me work. Cause I hate having nothing to do. One huge reason why I can never be a tai tai cause tai tai does nothing productive zzz.
Really admire people who are very down-to-earth, really enjoy talking to people of diverse background.
Another long day of work omggggg, good night.