All we know,

by - 9:52 PM

We keep wasting colours

Badly want to write something but feeling so uninspired lately. Wonder if this is linked to work hmm. Not trying to say work sucks but maybe it's stifling whatever creativity I have.

Been reading Lang Leav's works again. Some of the proses/poems that I really like/agree with.

"Most people want to save the entire world. It's a lovely thought, and I'm not saying it's not a noble pursuit- but it's impossible to save everyone. You just have to pick your little corner of the world and focus your energy there. That's the only way you will ever make a difference."
"But I don't know if I can make a difference. It feels like I am screaming at the top of lungs, but no one can hear me. No one cares. How can I change anything if I'm completely powerless?" 
"You may be powerless now, but there will be a time when you won't be. Don't you see? And that's the time for you to be loud, to tell the world about the changes you want to see, to set them in motion."

Hopefully I will find some inspiration. Till then.

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