2016 resolutions,

by - 12:05 AM

“There are two types of waiting. There’s the the waiting you do for something you know is coming, sooner or later—like waiting for the 6:28 train, or the school bus, or a party where a certain handsome boy might be. And then there’s the waiting for something you don’t know is coming. You don’t even know what it is exactly, but you’re hoping for it. You’re imagining it and living your life for it. That’s the kind of waiting that makes a fist in your heart.”

The latter kind of waiting. Will it happen in 2016?

Achievements in 2015: Following fitness routines, graduating, learning how to plan my finances, understanding human nature/relationships, finding what I do NOT want in terms of a career...

Hmm, so here are some of my resolutions I guess:

  1. Getting into shape: eat more healthily, sign up for a pilates class/yoga class/ gym membership/ (once I get a new job with better working hours)
  2. Make (more) food haha (overnight oats?)
  3. Only keep friends who deserve to be kept: no point feeling upset and going the extra mile for people who can't be bothered and start making cards and time for people who matter.
  4. Stay updated with the world's happenings instead of spending so much time on social media.
  5. Compare less (in line with spending less time on social media)
  6. Be more proactive in job search: send at least three applications per week
  7. Continue reading.
  8. Save up more at least 50% every month: "Spend what's left after saving"
  9. Travel to at least one country (Japan/Australia) in 2016 (not contradictory to above point because travel experiences cannot be replaced with anything)
  10. Think of a business idea? Start writing?

(Created the resolution with the help of the list HAHA)

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